This is a vintage math program that is free through Google Books and I absolutely love the way it teaches arithmetic. Most of this book will be done orally and with manipulatives.
Math is not a struggle subject for either of my children. I contribute this mostly to my love for math and making my children count everything they do. Math is a constant conversation in our house. However, Monkey lacks confidence in math. He struggles to remember facts or the process of figuring a problem.
This is a phonics based spelling program that focuses on the rules behind spelling.
Although this is a spelling curriculum, it is the workhorse of language arts work in our household. Monkey is a natural speller and can usually remember a word based on sight. He is very visual, but has a hard time remembering why a word is spelled the way it is. I want to take him through this program to learn the rules behind spelling, reinforce phonics to advance his reading, and practice handwriting (see what I mean about being a workhorse of language arts!). Boots will work through this, but at a much slower pace than Monkey. Reading and spelling are definitely her struggling points.
We will also read, read, and read some more. I read aloud classic novels and try to include some history and science as well. Monkey reads at least once every day. I am hoping to start Boots on some simple books soon as well.
That is the plan for the year. Now ask me again in a few months what is actually getting done. Ha!
Linked with Weekly Wrap-Up
I commend you being a single mom. I was raised by a single mom and watching her gave me a strength and love of self with a sprinkle of independence that can't be taken for granted. I used to afterschool until I needed to pull my kids out due to the school system not working for them any longer. We used and now we use Sequential Spelling to reinforce math facts and spelling. I've heard good things about All About Spelling though. I just had to find a program that would do a lot of the teaching for me.